Privacy Policy

We at Dynasty Real Estate are committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to our Website ( This Privacy Policy governs our data collection, processing, and usage practices. It also describes your choices regarding use, access, and correction of your personal information. If you do not agree with the data practices described in this Privacy Policy, you should not use the Websites or the Subscription Service.


We periodically update this Privacy Policy. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice by sending you an email notification.


While we will notify you of any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically. We will also keep prior versions of this Privacy Policy in an archive for your review.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our treatment of the information you provide us, please write to us by email at or by mail to 1104 – Lake Central Tower Business Bay – Dubai, UAE Attn: Privacy.

1. Information We Collect

When You Visit Our Websites

You are free to explore the Websites without providing any Personal Information about yourself. When you visit the Websites or register for more information, we request that you provide Personal Information about yourself, and we collect Navigational Information.


“Personal Information”

This refers to any information that you voluntarily submit to us and that identifies you personally, including contact information, such as your name, e-mail address, company name, address, phone number, and other information about yourself or your business. Personal Information can also include information that you enter into Websites and information about you that is available on the internet, such as from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google, or publicly available information that we acquire from service providers.


Log Files

When you view content provided by us, we automatically collect information about your computer hardware and software. This information can include your IP address, browser type, domain names, internet service provider (ISP), the files viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system, clickstream data, access times, and referring website addresses. This information is used by Dynasty Real Estate for its operations, to maintain the quality of our Service, and to provide general statistics regarding the use of the Dynasty Real Estate Website. For these purposes, we do link this automatically-collected data to Personal Information such as name, email address, address, and phone number.


Information We Collect from Third Parties

From time to time, we may receive Personal Information about you from third-party sources including partners with which we offer co-branded services or engage in joint marketing activities, and publicly available sources such as social media websites.


Information About Children

The Websites are not intended for or targeted at children under 16, and we do not knowingly or intentionally collect information about children under 16. If you believe that we have collected information about a child under 16, please contact us at, so that we may delete the information.

2. How We Use Information We Collect

Compliance with Our Privacy Policy

We use the information we collect only in compliance with this Privacy Policy. Users who subscribe to our Services are obligated through our agreements with them to comply with this Privacy Policy.


We Never Sell Personal Information

We will never sell your Personal Information to any third party.


Use of Personal Information

In addition to the uses identified elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, we may use your Personal Information to:

  • Improve your browsing experience by personalizing the Websites and to improve the Subscription Service;
  • Send information or Dynasty Real Estate content to you which we think may be of interest to you by post, email, or other means and send you marketing communications relating to our business;
  • Promote use of our services to you and share promotional and information content with you in accordance with your communication preferences;
  • Provide other companies with statistical information about our users — but this information will not be used to identify any individual user;
  • Send information to you regarding changes to our Customer Terms of Service, Privacy Policy (including the Cookie Policy), or other legal agreements;
  • Meet legal requirements.

Use of Navigational Information

We use Navigational Information to operate and improve the Websites and the Subscription Service. We may also use Navigational Information alone or in combination with Personal Information to provide you with personalized information about Dynasty Real Estate.


Customer Testimonials and Comments

We post customer testimonials and comments on our Websites, which may contain Personal Information. We obtain each customer’s consent via email prior to posting the customer’s name and testimonial.


Security of Your Personal Information

We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We secure the Personal Information you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. All Personal Information is protected using appropriate physical, technical, and organizational measures.


Social Media Features

Our Websites include Social Media Features, such as the Facebook Like button and Widgets, such as the Share This button or interactive mini-programs that run on our sites. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our sites, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social Media Features and Widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to these features. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy and other policies of the companies providing them.


External Websites

Our Websites provide links to other websites. We do not control, and are not responsible for, the content or practices of these other websites. Our provision of such links does not constitute our endorsement of these other websites, their content, their owners, or their practices. This Privacy Policy does not apply to these other websites, which are subject to any privacy and other policies they may have.


Public Forums

We offer publicly accessible message boards, blogs, and community forums. Please keep in mind that if you directly disclose any information through our public message boards, blogs, or forums, this information may be collected and used by others. We will correct or delete any information you have posted on the Websites if you so request, as described in “Opting Out and Unsubscribing” below.


Retention of Personal Information

How long we keep information we collect about you depends on the type of information, as described in further detail below. After such time, we will either delete or anonymize your information or, if this is not possible, then we will securely store your information and isolate it from any further use until deletion is possible.

We retain Personal Information that you provide to us where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, as long as is required in order to contact you about the Subscription Service or our other services, or as needed to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements).

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your Personal Information, we securely delete the information or anonymize it or, if this is not possible, then we will securely store your Personal Information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible. We will delete this information from the servers at an earlier date if you so request, as described in “To Unsubscribe from Our Communications” below.

If you provide information to our customers as part of their use of the Subscription Service, our customers decide how long to retain the personal information they collect from you. If a customer terminates its use of the Subscription Service, then we will provide the customer with access to all information stored for the customer by the Subscription Service, including any Personal Information provided by you, for export by the customer according to our agreement with our customer. After termination, we may, unless legally prohibited, delete all customer information, including your Personal Information, from the Subscription Service.

If you have elected to receive marketing communications from us, we retain information about your marketing preferences for a reasonable period of time from the date you last expressed interest in our content, products, or services, such as when you last opened an email from us. We retain information derived from cookies and other tracking technologies for a reasonable period of time from the date such information was created.

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